By Sarah Balsam, Au.D., CCC-A.

At Bonnie Rubin Audiology, we are always here to support you. Currently we’re all adjusting to this new lifestyle for the foreseeable future. It is at times like this that we need to take care of our emotional, physical, and mental health the most. We need to control what we can and stick to our normal routines. This includes wearing your hearing aids when you get up in the morning!

Here are a few, but very important, reasons to still wear your hearing aids while at home.

  • Not understanding or not responding to your loved ones will increase stress and tension in your home. Keep your stress level and your family members’ as low as possible.
  • Live with tinnitus? Your tinnitus may be increased due to increase of COVID-19 stress.
  • Live with tinnitus? Remember, you need the acoustic stimulation so your tinnitus does not appear louder. When not wearing your hearing aids and sitting in quiet, your tinnitus will be more apparent.
  • Hearing loss can accelerate the decline in cognitive function by 30 to 40 percent compared to those with normal hearing.[1]
  • There is an increased risk of falls for individuals with untreated hearing loss.
  • While working from home, you want to be able to hear all phone, text, and email alerts, as well as stream, FaceTime, and phone calls with your grandchildren.
  • Your family will not be upset that you are blasting the television.
  • Keep sound deprivation to a minimum — wearing your hearing aids is an excellent exercise for your brain.


Bonnie Rubin Audiology

[1] Lin, Frank, et al. “Hearing Loss and Cognitive Decline in Older Adults.” JAMA Internal Medicine 173.4 (2013): 293-299. Print.