These little guys offer big benefits

Why Rechargeable

Rechargeable hearing aids are more reliable, less of a hassle, and more powerful than conventional batteries. See the difference you’ll be able to hear with rechargeable hearing aid options.

Brands We Love*

  • Starkey ZPower®
  • Oticon OpnTM and Opn miniRITE


This Technology Offers:

Savings: Buy one battery per device once a year.
Peace of mind: Enjoy continuous, stable, and uninterrupted power throughout your day.
A quick charge: Recharge your batteries while you sleep, and enjoy all-day power in the morning.
Stress-free maintenance: Avoid the hassle of buying and installing disposable batteries.
Convenience: Replace your batteries at your annual checkup — just once a year.
Something for the environment: Rest assured one eco-friendly pair of rechargeable batteries equals 200 disposables.**
Options: the rechargeable Opn miniRITE is designed to power through the day, but if you need to, you can still use conventional disposable batteries.

How to Get Rechargeable Hearing Aids

Whether you currently own or are looking to invest in hearing aids, AGX® rechargeable hearing aid batteries could be an option for you. New technology generally comes with the rechargeable feature, though some can be retrofit for this option.

*Only available in certain models.
**ZPower batteries

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