Can Aspirin Hurt Your Hearing? What Is Ototoxicity? The definition of ototoxicity, in its simplest form, is ear poisoning (“oto” = ear, “toxicity” = poisoning). A substance is considered ototoxic if it is known to cause hearing loss, balance disorders,...
5 Tips to Protect Against Falls
They’re typically unexpected and can happen anytime. Preventing them can help preserve your health and your quality of life.
Read MoreHearing And Balance Go Hand In Hand
Q: I’ve heard that my hearing and sense of balance are interconnected. How is that possible? A: It might seem surprising, but it’s true — your ears and balance go somewhat hand in hand, providing another reason to take care...
Balance Disorder Basics
It’s common for people with hearing loss to have balance issues. Since both depend on the inner-ear, it makes sense that one may affect the other
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